Doll-girl (1/1)

She lives in the my wardrobe,This mute and charming girl.She's motionless and hollow,

She is just a doll…Doll with a golden hair,

Doll with a scarlet mouth,Her naked body is fair,

Her dark-blue eyes are glass. I fuck her when I want,

I fuck her when I feel heartache,Or when I suffer a bore,

I make her high and dirty… She will never say me "Fuck off",She will never say me she lonely,She will never say me bad word…But she'll never say me she love me.I loved you, my filthy goddess,

I destroyed you, my miserable slave,You're tainted and dead for always,

The dark wardrobe is your grave...My tears andmy pain inside of you -It's better than nothing at all...The end has come so suddenly...Forgive me, my broken doll…