Дифференциальность (1/1)

ИзменщикиИ вот так их вот двух шатает –От ничейности к принадлежности…И их здравый смысл пропадаетВ этой медленной безмятежности.И друг с другом они забываютО любви или ненависти...Только все же они понимают –Не навечно им эти нежности.~*~От неизбежности до неизбежности –От западни до западни.Не утонуть им в море нежности,И дни покоя сочтены.Что не решишь – одни сомнения,Куда ни глянь – везде беда,И сильно ранит осознание,Что и "всегда" – не навсегда.ПрощениеI'll give you all the chances in the world –

You have them all, You have them all!You name it to me and I'll find it all –No matter what, You'll have it all!I tried to find a way out of you –

Another man, Another girl…Tried looking from another point of view:Calling you mad, Calling you bold…I tried to forget all that we had –

All our love, All our hate!I tried to ran from you or change a land…Things brought me back, Seems like a fate.I'll give you all the chances in the world –

You have them all, You have them all!You name it to me and I'll find it all –No matter what, You'll have it all!I made a few mistakes – a made a lot,A fricking lot. I made them all.You were behind me and so I forgot –

You saw them too, Forgive them not.I only realized all what you meantThen I was left By you alone.I tried to reach for you and get you backI had no luck, No help at all…I'll give you all the chances in the world –

You have them all, You have them all!You name it to me and I'll find it all –No matter what, You'll have it all!And so right now we are on shaking ground –Trying forget, Trying forgive.But anything you need – just make a sound,I'll do my best To find and give.I'll give you all the chances in the world –

You have them all, You have them all!You name it to me and I'll find it all –No matter what, You'll have it all!