Глава 11. Парк (1/1)
Прошел месяц, затем ещё один. И вот пришло время грандиозного концерта в самом крупном парке Токио. К этому времени Усаги и Минако стали популярны на весь Токио, поэтому многие узнав о том, что Усаги и Минако будут выступать сегодня в парке, решили посетить его, ожидая концерта, время которого не было назначено, как и конкретное место в огромном парке.Выступать они решили в воскресенье, по скольку в этот день в парке много людей.—?Ну что, вы готовы?—?Да! —?крикнули дети.—?Тогда едем. —?Сказала Усаги, сажая детей в метро.И вот они уже в парке.—?Мина, девочки. Вы уже здесь! —?помахала рукой Усаги.—?Да, Усаги давай в гримерную и переодеваться. Смотрю детки уже готовы. —?Сказала Минако, обведя деток взглядом, а потом забрала Усаги, оставив детей на Зойсайта.—?Ну как там наши? Все здесь?—?Да. Нам предоставили два фургона в качестве гримерных! —?вскрикнула Минако.—?Отлично, пошли готовиться. А остальные уже в форме?—?Да. Давай Уса, я только тебя и жду. Давай бегом переоденься и на выступление. Нару, уже у музыкальных конструкций!—?Хорошо!Усаги быстро переоделась и побежала к остальным.Через полчаса шоу началось. На самом деле время начала не было запланировано, это было спонтанное решение. И наши друзья сами не знали, когда начнут.И тут резко раздалась музыка, а Мэл (Усаги) рисующая красками на асфальте, обернулась и запела:They say I'm troubleThey say I'm badThey say I'm evilAnd that makes me gladПотом появился Джей (Нефрит).Он спрыгнул с турника и начал петь:A dirty no-goodDown to the boneYour worst nightmareCan't take me homeИ тут появилась Иви (Минако). Она прошлась между людьми которые уже собрались, чтобы посмотреть, что происходит в парке. Осмотрев друзей высокомерным взглядом, синевласка (это был парик) запела:So I've got some mischiefIn my bloodCan you blame meI never got no loveКогда Минако закончила, Карлос (Кунсайт) выпрыгнул из толпы и начал петь, разгоняя, всех у себя на пути:They think I'm callousA low-life hoodI feel so uselessMisunderstoodПока Кунсайт заканчивал, Минако и Усаги забежали на специальные установки для сайтов, и оперевшись на перила запели:Mirror, mirror on the wallWho's the baddest of them allWelcome to my wicked world, wicked worldПосле Минако и Усаги, быстро схватив скейты скатились вниз и встав рядом с парнями, запеои все вместе:I'm rotten to the core, coreRotten to the coreI'm rotten to the core, coreWho could ask for moreI'm nothing like the kid next, like the kid next doorI'm rotten to the, I'm rotten to theI'm rotten to the coreПосле этого Усаги пошла вперёд, медленным шагом, ступая как модель: Call me a schemerCall me a freakHow can you say thatI'm just uniquemick?— закончив девушка упала на поперечный шпагат, пошло улыбаясь.Перепрыгнув через нее, делая сальто, запел Нефрит:What, me a traitorAin't got your backAre we not friendsWhat's up with thatОбойдя Нефрита, Минако упала ему на руки, и запела (попутно поднимаясь):So I'm a misfitSo I'm a flirtI broke your heartI made you hurtЗатем Кунсайт спрыгнул с ближайшей небольшой установки для трюков, делая замысловатый поворот в воздухе, он приземлился и идя к толпе запел:The past is pastForgive, forgetThe truth isYou ain't seen nothing yetУ (Усаги) и М (Минако):Mirror, mirror on the wallWho's the baddest of them allWelcome to my wicked world, wicked world?— и тут выходят ученики Усаги и начинают танцевать. Потом танцуют и все вместе с ?Наследниками? (поющими Усаги и Минако, Нефритом и Кунсайтом):I'm rotten to the core, coreRotten to the coreI'm rotten to the core, coreWho could ask for moreI'm nothing like the kid next, like the kid next doorI'm rotten to the, I'm rotten to theI'm rotten to the core. ?— Вдруг все резко расходятся, остаётся только Усаги и подходит к Рей?— Малефисенте, которая стоит на небольшом возвышение вроде сцены. Начинает играть музыка и Усаги поднимается по лестнице, напевая:Look at you, look at meI don't know who to beMotherIs it wrong, is it right?Be a thief in the nightMotherTell me what to do… Рей резко ?отмирает? и смеется, а затем призренно оглядывая Усаги поет:I was once like you my childSlightly insecureArgued with my mother tooThought I was matureBut I put my heart asideAnd I used my headNow I think it's time you learnedWhat dear old momma saidDon't you wanna be evil like me?Don't you wanna be mean?Don't you wanna make mischief your daily routine?Well you can spend your life attending to the poorBut when you're evil doing less is doing moreDon't you wanna be ruthless and rotten and mad?Don't you wanna be very, very good at being bad?I have tried my whole life long to do the worst I canClawed my way to victoryBuilt my master planNow the time has come my dear for you to take your placePromise me you'll try to be an absolute disgraceDon't you wanna be evil like me?Don't you wanna be cruel?Don't you wanna be nasty and brutal and cool?And when you grab that wand that's when yourreign beginsWho wants an evil queen without a sack of sins?Don't you wanna be heartless and hardin' as stone?Don't you wanna be finger licking' evil to the bone?This is not for us to ponderThis was preordainedYou and I shall rule togetherFreedom soon regainMistress of the universe, powerful and strongDaughter, hear meHelp me, join meWon't you sing along? После этих слов, Усаги подходит к Рей и они вместе поют:Now we're gonna be evil it's trueNever gonna think twiceУсаги:And we're gonna be spitefulРей:Yes, spitefulThat's niceIn just an hour or twoOur futures safe and sureThis mother, daughter act is going out on tourIf you wanna be evil and awful and freeThen you should thank your lucky starThat you were born the girl you areThe daughter of an evilicious queenLike me! ?— Допела Рей, и когда группа красивых девочек закрыла ее, она ушла.Играет медленная музыка и Усаги начинает танцевать медленно и петь, а девочки танцевать медленные па, в ритм музыки:A million thoughts in my headShould I let my heart keep listenin'?'Cause up 'til now I've walked the lineNothing lost but something missingI can't decide what's wrong, what's rightWhich way should I go?If only I knew what my heart was telling meDon't know what I'm feelingIs this just a dream? Uh ohYeah, if onlyI could read the signs in front of meI could find the way to who I'm meant to be uh ohIf only, If onlyIf onlyEvery step, every wordWith every hour I am falling inTo something newSomething braveTo someone II have never beenI can't decide what's wrong, what's rightWhich way should I go?If only I knew what my heart was telling meDon't know what I'm feelingIs this just a dream? Uh ohYeah, if only I could read the signs in front of meI could find the way to who I'm meant to be uh ohIf only, yeahAm I crazy? Maybe we could happen, yeahWill you still be with meWhen the magic's all run out?If only I knew what my heart was telling meDon't know what I'm feelingIs this just a dream? Uh ohIf only I could read the signs in front of meI could find the way to who I'm meant to be, uh ohIf only, yeahIf only, yeahIf only, yeahIf only, if onlyIf only?— Усаги склонила голову, вдруг заиграла громкая музыка и появилась Ума (Рей), а за ней вышли и ее пираты (Зойсайт и Джедайт).Рей:This is all hands on deckCalling out to lost boys and girlsI'm gettin' tired of the disrespectWe won't stop 'til we rule the worldIt's our time, we up next! (Next, next)Our sail's about to be set (set, set)They ain't seen nothing yetTell 'em who's in charge so they don't forgetWhat's my name, what's my name? (Uma) (То, со находится () поют Зойсайт и Джедайт)Say it louderWhat's my name, what's my name? (Uma)Feel the powerNo one's gonna stop us soon the world will be oursWhat's my name what's my name?What's it, what's it, say it, say it loud. (Uuuuuuma, Uuuuma)All eyes on me, let me see 'em. (Uuuuuma, Uuuuuma)What's it, what's it, say it, say it. (Uma ah ahUma)I'm the queen of this townI call the shots, you know who I amI don't need to wear no fake crownStand up to me, you don't stand a chanceIt's our time, we up next (next, next)My crew's as real as it gets (gets, gets)The worst is now the bestAnd leaving us here will be their last regretWhat's my name, what's my name? (Uma)Say it louderWhat's my name, what's my name? (Uma)Feel the powerNo one's gonna stop us soon the world will be oursWhat's my name what's my name?What's it, what's it, say it, say it loud. (Uuuuuuma, Uuuuma)All eyes on me, let me see 'em. (Uuuuuma, Uuuuuma)What's it, what's it, say it, say it. (Uma ah ahUma)Джедайт и Зойсайт:You know what they say Bad girls have all the funNever learned how to count 'cause I'm number oneReady here, we come We always get our wayIt's a pirate's life, every single dayShe's the captain, I'm the first mateEnemies seasick can't see straightCall 'em fish bait, throw 'em on a hookUma's so hot they get burned if they lookIt's all eyes on me, let me see 'emI see your eyes on me boys, heyYou know what my name isSay it, say it louderHo, woahCome onРей:What's my name what's my name? (Uma)Say it louderWhat's my name What's my name? (Uma)Feel the powerNo one's gonna stop us soon the world will be oursWhat's my name what's my name?What's it, what's it, say it, say it(Uuuuuuma, Uuuuuma)All eyes on me, let me see 'em (Uuuuma, Uuuuma)What's it, what's it, say it, say itOh, say it louder (Uuuuuma, Uuuuuma)Oh, say it louder (Uuuuuma, Uuuuuma)What's it, what's it, say it, say it(Uma) Заиграла громкая музыка и к Рей присоединились все певцы и группа подтанцовки.Вместе:From the North to the SouthFrom the East to the WestLost boys, lost girlsYou all know you're the bestHit the streets, it's your dayTurn it up, now's your chanceIt's time to get up on your feet and danceWhooУсаги:Anybody wanna be like us?Everybody wanna be like us!HeyКунсайт:All the boys from AuradonAnd the girls 'cause they know what's upHuh!Минако:Your life could change todayYour life could change todayНефрит:These streets named after usBecause we paved the way (c'mon)Минако:Everyone come and take your shotNow's the time, show 'em what you got (ah)'Cause everyone is gonna get their chanceThey said that being from the Isle was badВместе:Well, it's good to be badAnd we're proof of thatUsed to be lost, now we're on the mapUsed to steal stacks, now we're giving backRemember thatIt's good to be, badIf you got prideRaise your V's up highWave 'em wide, side to sideFeel the vibeIt's good to be badУсаги:I wanna see you all rep your blockI wanna see you all rep your blockHeyМинако:Show your pride, let me hear ya shoutWe're from the Isle of the Lost! (Yes)We're here to celebrateWe're here to elevateIf you're down, then make your moveBut you best not hesitateCome on!Усаги:Today's the day that you won't forgetThe best to come ain't happened yet (ah)Take a bow, it won't be your lastYou're from the Isle if anybody asks (whoo)Вместе:It's good to be badAnd we're proof of thatUsed to be lost, now we're on the mapUsed to steal stacks, now we're giving backRemember thatIt's good to beBadIf you got prideRaise your V's up highWave 'em wide, side to sideFeel the vibeIt's good to be badThey can try to deny our styleBut we were born this way'Cause you can take the VK outta the IsleBut you can't take the Isle out the VKIf you wanna make it hype, not a moment to wasteMake it loud, make it live, make it jump to the bassMake it what you want, but you'd better make your case'Cause the Isle makes us and we're reppin' this placeНефрит:So when I say ?V?, you say ?K?V-K-V-KWhen I say ?all?, you say ?day?All day, all dayWhen I say ?V?, you say ?K?V-K-V-KWhen I say ?all?, you say ?day?All dayCome onHeyВместе:It's good to be, badIt's good to be badAnd we're proof of thatUsed to be lost, now we're on the mapUsed to steal stacks, now we're giving backRemember thatIt's good to be, badIf you got prideRaise your V's up highWave 'em wide, side to sideFeel the vibeIt's good to be, bad?Только музыка закончилась как Нефрит и Кунсайт ушли. Остались только группа подтанцовки, Рей, Усаги и Минако. И Минако запела:Don't freak out, it's okay'Cause? true love can save the dayAnd? I think we feel the sameBut I don't knowWhen we met, it was sweetHe? was oh so into meSeems? like things are meant to beBut I don't knowDoes? he love me? Or does he love me not?Do I love him? And is it strong enough?Рей и Усаги:One kiss, one kissМинако:It all comes down to thisРей и Усаги:One? kiss, one kissМинако:Oh, oh, oh, ohОу, оу, оу, оу.Минако:This moment could be itI, I, I wanna knowSo here I go.Keep it cool, keep it calmThink he's loved me all alongBut maybe I got it wrongSo I don't know (hey)He's so good, got my backBut maybe I'm just too badCould we be a perfect match?Now, I don't knowDoes he love me? Or does he love me not?Do I love him? And is it strong enough?One kiss, one kissIt all comes down to thisРей и Усаги:One kiss, one kissМинако:Oh, oh, oh, ohОу, оу, оу, оу.One kiss, one kissThis moment could be itI, I, I wanna knowSo here I go.Yeah here I goI feel my heartbeat beating saying?It's gonna work?But if I'm dream-dream-dreaming this is gonna hurtEither I will or I won'tWhat if I do and he don't?Is he my Romeo?Oh, there's only one, one way to really knowOne kiss, one kissIt all comes down to thisOne kiss, one kissOne kiss, one kissThis moment could be itI, I, I wanna knowSo here I go.Here I goHere I goHere I go?— во время всей песни группа подтанцовки танцевала.И тут все замерли (Нефрит и Кунсайт тоже замерли).Усаги сгрустнула и запела:Here you are alone, and you deserve itYour friends have turned to stoneAnd that's on youYou had a cause to serve but did you serve it?Or did you see yourself in a way that wasn't true?This is not your father's fairytaleAnd no, it's not your mother's fault you failSo when your story comes to lightMake sure the story that they writeGoes once upon a time a girl tried harderOnce upon a time she tried againOnce upon a braver choiceShe took a riskShe used her voiceAnd that will be my once upon a timeThis timeWhy tell all those lies?You feel unworthyLike there isn't solid ground for you to standBut a stack of lies is not a firm foundationYou cannot build a castle on a mountain made of sandThis is not your mother's dark desireAnd no, it's not your father's hair on fireTurns out it's you who's not awakeSo if there's change you wanna makeTake once upon a time she fought a dragonOnce upon a time that beast was meOnce upon a misspent youthShe faced herselfShe spoke the truthThat's how I see my once upon a timeThis timeLife is not a storybook but life unfolds in chaptersTurn the page and start to make amendsThere's no pre-written guarantee of ?happily ever after?Step into your greatness before your story endsSo when your story endsThey'll say once upon a time a girl flew higherOnce upon a time she made things rightOnce upon a tie that bindsShe changed her heartTo change their mindsThat's got to be my once upon a timeThis once upon a timeI'll finally see my once upon a timeThis timeВ один миг все спрыгнули, группа подтанцовки убежала. А пятеро Наследников начали ходить по кругу и начали петь:Вместе:We got all the ways to beW-i-c-k-e-dWe got all the ways to beW-i-c-k-e-dC'mon hey hey hey hey heyHey hey hey hey (haha)Hey hey hey hey heyУсаги:Crashin' the party, guess they lost my inventionFriendly reminder got my own kinda persuasionКунсайт:Looks like this place could use a bit of misbehaviorHappily ever after with a little flavorНефрит:Bad to the bone, with even worse intentionsWe're gonna steal the show, and leave 'em all defenselessМинако:A fairy tale life can be oh-so overratedSo raise your voices and let's get it activatedВместе (на этих строчках появилась группа подтанцовки):Long live havin' some funWe take what we wantThere's so many ways to be wickedWith us evil lives on the right side of wrongThere's so many ways to be wickedApple, apple dip, dipWanna try it?Tick, tickTake a bite, c'mon, be boldChange the way the story's toldУсаги:This time the dark is finally getting your attentionWe're wicked by the book, and class is back in sessionКунсайт:You like it, steel itGotta beat 'em to the treasureA right of passage- bad just doesn't get much betterВместе:Long live havin' some funWe take what we wantThere's so many ways to be wickedWith us evil lives on the right side of wrongThere's so many ways to be wickedУсаги: Mother always knows bestМинако: Show her, pass every testКунсайт: Hear her voice in my headВместе:Evil is the onlyReal way to liveWe got all the ways to beHey hey hey heyW-i-c-k-e-dLet's goWe got all the ways to beHey hey hey heyW-i-c-k-e-d(Ye-ah)Long live havin' some fun (havin' some fun)We take what we wantThere's so many ways to be wickedWith us evil lives on (evil lives on)The right side of wrongThere's so many ways to be wickedCruel and unusualWe're taking controlThere's so many ways to be wickedWith us evil lives on the right side of wrongThere's so many ways to be wickedHey, hey, heyWe got all the ways to beW-i-c-k-e-dWe got all the ways to beW-i-c-k-e-dWe got all the ways to beW-i-c-k-e-dWe got all the ways to beУсаги:So many ways to be wickedЛюдей много собралось посмотреть на это и все к концу начали хлопать, и бросились просить автографы.