Английская версия / English Version (1/1)
There was a cheerful, beautiful and surprisingly small-sized Alena, she liked to read a lot, and studying at the medical school to learn the world of medicine. One day Alena was called by their friends on a holiday, and she happily agreed. They frolic while riding in the bus a lot of jokes, laughing, hoping to meet on the holiday of their halves. When she arrived, she was surprised to see so many handsome men, but then they saw familiar faces, and quickly ran to them, they were the same guys who had invited her. Alena saw a stranger among the familiar guys. As soon as she walked up, and looked at the stranger closer, she realized that this was the one she had been waiting for, the one she had dreamt of all her life. Alena's friends immediately realized that their friend had fallen in love, but pretended not to notice. Suddenly one of the guys commanded: "We have to go, we've waited too long! While they walked to the appointed place Alena constantly looked at the unknown guy, even during the whole disco she could not take her eyes off of him. After the disco one of her friends came up and said: - Why don't you go up to him you've always been brave in relationships!Alena liked just looking at him, but how great it would have been to talk to him and walk with him. She walked over and said: - I haven't seen you before, how did you show up at this company? - I used to walk with them- he answered without even looking at Alena. - What's your name? - She wanted to know his name so badly. - BruceShe wanted to ask something else, but then Kristina interrupted her: - We have to go back! We have to hurry, the last bus will be leaving soon! Alena so wanted to get to know him better, but she had to leave. She hoped that fate would bring them together again...Ever since she saw Bruce, she couldn't stop thinking about him. Even in her studies, all she could think about was him. She fantasized, dreamed, and hoped. Through the piggies she knew on inst, she found his page and signed up. She looked at his photos and admired his aesthetic. Days and weeks went by, and he did not even notice her likes and messages on Twitter, and Alena was already desperate to expect something.Every night she wondered why it was him that made her heart beat, why it was him she thought about every day, why it was him she wanted to know so much. Aljona had never experienced this before, she was so unaccustomed to feeling something so strong for Bruce, she was scared, but very curious. One morning, as usual, Alena logged into the instream, and then finally something happened that she had been waiting for: - He signed back - joyfully shrieked Alena. They began to correspond, by correspondence, Bruce seemed very friendly. She tried to learn as much as she could about him and was happy for any information. Bruce called Alena for a walk with his company, but that day all her friends were busy: - Yulia, shall we go for a walk today? - Alena, I'm sorry I have extras with the girls today, remember we skipped class, you were sick at the time, we were punished, you can call in a friend. Roxanne, who was not one of our friends, but for some reason she often followed us around. - Hey, do you want to go for a walk with me today? - Sure, go ahead. After school, Alena went for a walk; she told her under-girlfriend that there was a boy she liked in the company and she was going just for him. - What is his name? - the under-girlfriend asked. - Bruce," said Alena quietly, cautiously. At last they arrived and Alena saw him again, her heart racing. During the walk, she talked a lot with Bruce, had fun, even touched him sometimes. But time flew by so quickly that it was time to go back, before getting on the bus Bruce embraced Alena, pulled her to him, hugged her with his strong, but at the same time gentle arms. She was so happy for a very long time thought about this moment, her heart could not calm down for a long time. Now there was no doubt that this was her first true love.She came home happy, she immediately texted Alena and Aleftina about everything that had happened to her during that beautiful day. Alena decided to go to Instagram and see if there were any messages from Bruce. But there were no messages. She went to his page and accidentally noticed that he now has a friend with an under-girlfriend with whom Alena had come. The next day at school, Alena found out that Bruce had started dating a fake girlfriend. She became hurt and hurt so much that she could not even stay in class. She ran home all in tears. After all, Alena thought that her feelings were mutual and that he was the one whom she waited so much. She cried all night, her friends could not reach her. She decided to write only to him: "You are together with her now, is it true? - Yes, but what do you care? - I don't, I just heard about it and decided to ask him personally. Congratulations. Alena was sad. She felt broken. In the evening, sitting on her little, blue couch, Alena pondered. One of the guys in the company was secretly in love with Alena, but she knew this: "Maybe I can get over Bruce by starting to date Dylan. She saw it as the only way to numb her loneliness. Alena texted him on Insta and they started talking a lot. And after a few days he suggested they become a couple. She thought for a long time, she understood that he was not the one she loved, but for some reason she agreed. She tried to pay all of her attention to Dylan so she wouldn't have to see Bruce happy with someone else. She was unhappy in her relationship, but she was afraid of becoming even more unhappy when she was alone.Several weeks passed, each day unbearably long. One warm evening when Alena was out walking in the company, she happened to catch Bruce and his girlfriend arguing. She wanted to support him in this exciting moment for him: - Is everything all right? Do you want to talk about it? He told everything that had happened, shared his worries down to the smallest detail. He told her everything that had happened, told her every little detail of what had happened, and she managed to cheer him up a little bit. But their communication did not end there, he wrote to her on Insta, and from that moment they started to correspond every day on different topics. Dylan saw the rapprochement between Alena and Bruce, but there was nothing he could do about it, he was secretly terribly jealous and wondered what he had done wrong. Alena and Bruce appeared to have common interests, common jokes. It seemed to her that she had never been so close to him, but suddenly she was imagining it all. Alena tried to support him, she wanted to make him happy so she did her best to reconcile Bruce with his girlfriend. Alena approached her at school and asked: - Why don't you want to make up with him, since your quarrel is quite insignificant? - I don't need it. I got another one. - But why don't you tell him? - Surprised and a little angry at the same time, Alena grumbled - None of this matters, just so you know today we broke up with him. This news was the happiest of the last month, but on the other hand Alena thought of Bruce: - I hope he's okay. Alena immediately wrote to him: - How are you? I just found out about your breakup. - They were close enough to ask him such personal things. - It's okay, I'm not the least bit worried about it! How is it that they didn't have real feelings? Usually when people break up they feel devastated. Alena decided to see for herself that all was well and went to see him in the evening. - And you do look pretty cheerful. - I said I was fine, but since you're here I suggest we take a little walk, and then I'll walk you out. They went to the Vinoteka, and he bought some sweet water and cheese. They walked around all evening and laughed all the time. She couldn't understand why he wasn't sad and why everything was okay with him, but she was very happy that they were communicating again. Maybe it would work out after all...Alena and Bruce became very close, it was as if they understood each other at a glance. But Dylan didn't like it; he felt ignored. He tried to make it clear to Allenathat he was her boyfriend, not Bruce. Even in her messages, she only ever talked about Bruce. Allena was too in love to notice that she was hurting someone who was there to help her through a difficult moment. It seemed to Dylan that her infatuation was temporary and she would surely return to him, but he didn't know that from the beginning Allena had only loved Bruce. One slightly chilly evening Alena went for a walk to Bruce's without telling her boyfriend. They went for a walk as usual, discussing their favorite topics it seemed to them that besides the two of them there was no one else on earth, they were too infatuated with each other. At this time Dylan was going to the store. He was almost to the store, but then he saw Alenaand Bruce sitting next to him. They were laughing very loudly and looking the happiest. Dylan decided to follow them. But it was late, so Bruce walked Alena to the bus stop, said goodbye, and left. It wasn't long before the bus. As soon as he was out of sight, she turned her head to see if there was another bus coming, but suddenly she saw Dylan in front of her. She was surprised and didn't know what to say. She looked closely at Dylan and saw tears in his eyes. He was trying not to show that he was about to cry. But his eyes were already filled with tears. - What are you doing here? - Dylan said hoarsely. - I walked with Bruce. - Yes, I saw it! - But there's nothing between us, we're best friends - but Alena herself didn't know if that was true, at that moment she wasn't sure of anything. Alena hugged Dylan and looked him in the eye and said: - Forgive me. Dylan looked into her eyes and couldn't say anything. They stood like that for a few minutes until her bus arrived. When she got home, she logged into Instagram and saw a message from Bruce and from Dylan. Surprisingly, the first message she read was from Dylan: - I was in so much pain, you were standing there hugging me and smiling, my heart was just bursting, I love you so much. I didn't know what to say to you, I really want to forgive you, but it's all so hard. - I'm sorry, I know you're my boyfriend, I'll try to pay more attention to you! - I hope so. She didn't read the message from Bruce for a long time, but finally decided to answer it: "How did you get here? - Bruce wrote - It's okay, I'm home now. - You're taking a long time to answer, is that okay? - Sorry, I have to go to bed. - Okay, good night. All the next day, Alena thought about hurting Dylan; she knew that she had never loved him. She made a big mistake by dating someone she didn't love. In the evening Alena went for a walk, during the whole walk she paid attention to Dylan and tried not to notice Bruce. When Dylan walked Alena to the bus, he said: "I'm glad you're finally mine now, finally you communicated with me, finally I waited so long for this. Alena smiled, she hadn't seen him so happy in a long time, but in her heart she felt that this was not what she really wanted. At home Alena, as usual, logged into Instagram, she saw a message from Bruce: "I think we should not communicate anymore, you have a boyfriend, bye. Alena went to his page and saw that she had been added to a blacklist. She was very afraid that she might lose him again. She called, but he didn't pick up, she called several times and eventually he just turned off his phone. That was the end of their close communication.She told Dylan about it, and he was very happy about it: "Finally, they stopped communicating, and now she will spend all her time with only me. But Allena only thought that if she hadn't made that mistake, she would probably be with her lover now.It had been a week since Bruce had stopped communicating, and Alena had become irritable and spent a lot of time at home. Dylan tried to ask her out, but each time she refused, coming up with some ridiculous excuse. Dylan immediately realized what was wrong with Alena. He thought for a long time and finally made a decision: - Alena, I'm sorry we have to break up, even though I love you madly, but you are in love with someone else. Please deal with what you really want. I hope we can still be friends. - I'm sorry, I'll try to figure it all out. Of course, I'll be glad to have a friend like that.Alena decided to forget about Bruce, she devoted all her time to her studies. It was her senior year and exams were coming up in a couple of months. She had no time to think about anything but exams, it was the only thing that saved her. Exams passed, Alena passed them with flying colors. In the summer she tried to distract herself from everything and rest easy. She almost forgot about Bruce and enjoyed the warm sun. Alena had found a decent clinic to work in and was very happy when she found out she was accepted. The first day of work came, Alena went to work with her friend. Alena knew that her friend was in touch with Bruce, but she tried to pretend that she didn't care one bit. But then her friend said: - Bruce asked about you. - Asked me what? Strange, I thought he'd forgotten all about me. - He asked how you were doing and if you had a boyfriend. Maybe she told me about Bruce to show me they were in touch. - thought Alena. - This isn't the first time he's asked about you. Alena tried to forget about this conversation as soon as possible, it pained her to remember Bruce. For a whole month Alena tried to get used to her new job, she got another girlfriend, Valeria. At first, Alena thought she was a little arrogant. But as she got to know Valeria better, she became very ashamed of herself for thinking that way. Valeria turned out to be very nice, and with a great sense of humor. On her day off, Alena arranged to go to visit Aleftina. Aleftina knew that her friend was suffering because of her feelings for Bruce. That is why all the time she persuaded her to re-sign with him, but for some reason Alena was afraid. Aleftina suggested a drink, they had a lot of fun and at one point she ordered Alena to sign up for him again. Thinking that this might be her only chance, she went on Inst and signed up for him. After they watched the movie some more and Alena went home as it was getting late. When she got home, she went back on Inst and saw that he had signed up mutually. She did not know how to react, she was happy and scared at the same time. She was scared to write first, but she was very grateful to Aleftina without her she would not have taken this step!Alena hesitated for a long time to write first. After all, it had been a year since they had last communicated. Maybe he had changed, maybe he didn't like what he liked before, maybe they no longer had common topics of conversation. At college, before classes, Alena met with Valeria and told her about Bruce. She tried to tell everything in great detail. So Valerie could help her decide whether to write. After a little thought, Valeria said: - I think you should be braver. Write hi and how you're doing, it's not going to turn the world upside down. Take one more step to meet, maybe you can finally be together. Alena heeded this advice and decided to write after all: - Hi. Bruce was online, but did not answer. Alena was a little upset, but this was exactly what she had expected. After work, Alena came home tired. But suddenly a notification came, a message from him: "Hi. - How are you feeling? - Normal only tired, you as? - All is well. She asked him a few more mundane questions, asked about his studies and life in general. Alena was glad for every message he sent. Alena tried not to write every day so as not to seem intrusive. A month passed, Alena wrote to Bruce occasionally, wondering about his health, his mood, and anything else she could. Alena called Aleftina for a walk to share the news. Aleftinaseemed a little irritated as she met her: "What's the matter with you? - Aleftina asked carefully. - I'm fine, it's just that Bruce somehow rudely congratulated me on my birthday, which was recently. I don't talk to him after that. She did not understand what Aleftina meant, but it was embarrassing to clarify. - And you communicate with him? - Aleftinaasked cheerfully, "Well, sometimes. - Ask him out for a walk!Alena did not even think about it, recently she was afraid to even write to him, not to mention asking him to go out. - I do not know - as you thought about it, said Alena. - I'm sure this time you will succeed. Alena got her thoughts together and decided to write to him: - Maybe we'll go for a walk sometime! He read it. He began to type, Alena was very frightened, she closed her eyes. And sat like that until she heard the sound of a notification: - Come on, why not. - When are you free? Alena wanted to see him as soon as possible. - We can do it tomorrow! - Okay. Alena could not sleep all night, thinking that tomorrow she would see him, would talk to him. After work, Alena rode the bus with Valeria: "Today I will go for a walk with him, if everything works out, it will be the best thing that ever happened to me. Valeria immediately understood who she was talking about, because all week Alena only talked about him: - Tell me about how it goes, I am interested. - I will! Alena and Bruce agreed that they would meet at 6:00 p.m. But the bus was late, Alena was worried that maybe he would not wait and leave. When Alena arrived Bruce was no longer at the bus stop, Alena wanted to leave, but then she heard: - Hi! He was standing behind, Alena turned around and probably a minute stood motionless, she had not seen him for so long and only now realized how much she missed him: - Hi - Alenawheezed. - Let's go to the Vineyard! - Bruce suggested. All the way, Bruce said something, Alena couldn't believe it was a dream or reality. Bruce bought sweet water and cheeses just like before. Alena realized that he hadn't changed and relaxed a little. Bruce asked: - Why aren't you talking? It really was kind of silly, but she just didn't know what to say. She thought for a few seconds and said: - I've been told by Aleftinethat you two aren't in touch anymore, can I ask why? - To be honest I don't know myself. - She said that you wished her a happy birthday inappropriately. - Apparently my joke was inappropriate, I'll check with her later. - Okay. Alena relaxed they walked around for a couple more hours, sometimes touching slipped between them. - I should get back. - Already? - Yes. As they waited for the bus, Alena stood across from Bruce. He was making a silly joke and looking at her very strangely, I'll kiss you again. - Alena herself did not expect to say such a thing, as if it was not she who said. Bruce angrily moved closer and gave her the same strange look, as if he were teasing her. But Alena kept her word, she pulled herself together and kissed him. She did not even think that he would reciprocate and that it would be so passionate. They enjoyed each other for a few seconds, but then the bus arrived, Alena had to leave. She couldn't believe it had finally happened, she wanted to know how Bruce felt. She was happy.Alena was happy, but what are they now, friends or a couple? In the evening Alena wrote: -When will I see you next time? - I'm busy tomorrow. Let's do the day after tomorrow. - Okay. The next day Alena told everything to Valeria and Aleftina, they both said that now Bruce is her boyfriend. But she wasn't sure if he was. After all, he hadn't even sent a heart-to-heart on insta. She decided to find out tomorrow during her walk. They chatted with Bruce all day, but the conversation didn't involve a relationship or a kiss. The next day after work, Alena went for a walk with Bruce, as she had planned. As soon as she saw him she asked directly: - Are we together now? - She was so tormented by this question that she could not stand it another minute. - Well, since we kissed last night, of course we're together now. - Strange, I must have missed the offer to be your girlfriend somewhere. - You're right. Alena, let's be together, become my girlfriend. She could not even dream about it, but now everything happens in life: - Yes, I will be your girlfriend. After that they became even closer, they went for walks and laughed a lot. The girls were right, they were together now!Ever since Alena and Bruce started dating, they spent every day together, and they had their own jokes that only they understood. They had a good time together. Alena had a girlfriend, Alina, and one day she asked Alena to go out: "Hey, do you want to go to the pool table with the guys? They said Bruce would be there. As soon as she heard about Bruce, she naturally agreed. In the evening she went for a walk, but when she got there she didn't see Bruce: -Where's Bruce? - We called him, he didn't pick up, we'll text him now. She saw a guy she didn't know: - Hi, what's your name? How long have you been walking with them? - Hi, Victor, about a month.Alena was sure she had seen Victor before in college: - Where do you study? - At a local institution. So she was mistaken. The whole group went to play pool, this was the first time Alena had tried to play, she was no good, but everyone supported her. While she was playing her friend got drunk. She didn't even know that there were any alcoholic drinks. Alena looked after her, but it was time to go to the bus stop: - Alina, you promised to walk me. - Let Victor walk you. Alena was kind of embarrassed to go with him, but it's better than walking alone in the dark. - Alena, come on, I'll take you. - Victor said loudly. - All right.He walked him to the bus, they said goodbye, Alena wondered where Bruce was. She decided that when she got home she would write to him. But he didn't log on Instagram for a long time. Alena decided to call: - Have you been to the pool hall? - Bruce said - Yes, how did you know? - Alena just wanted to tell about it. - It doesn't matter, why didn't you tell me? - I was told that you would be there, so I decided not to write, I thought you knew. - But no one even called me. - Bruce replied angrily. - Have you been drinking there? - He went on. - No, I was learning to play. - It's strange, but I don't believe you. I don't know where you are, and I don't know who you're with. - At the pool table, with your own company. - You could have told me you were going there! - But I explained everything. - All right, bye. Bruce hung up, and Alena called again, but no one picked up. Alena got upset, she thought maybe she was doing something wrong again. The next morning Alena called Bruce, but he didn't pick up the phone and didn't answer in Insta either. All day long she thought that she had ruined everything again, that Bruce had stopped communicating with her again and again because of her stupidity.Bruce never responded. In the afternoon, Viktor wrote to Alena, admitting that he liked her: - But you know I have a boyfriend! - replied Alena. - I know, but I wanted you to hear it anyway, maybe it would have worked out. Here Alena remembered that very mistake with Bros. The way he suffered and the way Alena suffered in a relationship she didn't love. - I'm sorry, Victor, I don't think this is going to work out. I think you and Alina look good together, think about it. - I don't know. Alena had been calling Bruce all day, wanting to talk. But all to no avail. After work Alena came home, lay down on the bed, and immediately fell asleep. In the evening Alena woke up to a phone call; it was Bruce: - I'm sorry I acted stupid by ignoring you all day. - No, I'm sorry anyway, I should have warned you. - This quarrel was about a misunderstanding. Let's try to trust each other and not quarrel over such trifles. - Come on, just know that I love you very much. - I love you, too. After that quarrel, everyone drew the right conclusions. Some began to trust more, and some began to let her know where she was going more often. A couple of months passed and Alena and Bruce were happy, they did not quarrel anymore. Victor, on Alena's advice, started dating Alina. Valeria started dating Bruce's best friend, his name was Nick. Aleftina and Sanyawere brought closer together by playing computer games. Everyone found their soulmate, but Alena was the happiest of all, finally she was no longer afraid of losing Bruce, she was even more confident in him than in herself, their relationship was strong and stable. They had grand plans together, and in the future they would certainly fulfill them.